I'm quite angry right now. More later. (Aside from to say we whupped your asses with 9 men, you cowardly ^*&^*)
Update: A litte history of the esteemed Mr. Larrionda. He was going to ref in the 2002 WC until:
Jorge Larrionda the 33-year old Uruguayan referee has been suspended for 6 months by the Uruguayan FA for unexplained 'irregularities' only two days after his appointent to the FIFA list and may not now take up his whistle.Good work, FIFA!
Still haven't scored a goal, dangerously stupid penalties, and Beasley looked like crap. Maybe in 6 months to a year I'll see this as the heroic effort it was, but for now I'm deeply unhappy with this team.
At least the world is banding together to hate the Italians.
Yeah, geez. Unbelievable. But bill's right, I'm still waiting for evidence of an offense, not to mention the fact that, fair or not, we're missing some key personnel for the next match, which is an obvious must-win. And, of course, we have to root for the whiny, sensitive Italians to beat the Czechs.
Am I the only one who thought the Italian uniforms racing stripes looked like pit stains.
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